Sunday, October 11, 2015

How to cook chicken satay Indonesia part 3

Compotition :

1 Cut the boneless chicken breast section.
1 Grain Garlic.
1 Grain Onion.
Item 6 red cayenne pepper.
1 teaspoon oyster sauce.
1 teaspoon powdered beef broth.
4 tablespoons soy sauce.
1 teaspoon margarine.
1/2 teaspoon pepper powder.

How to cook Cicken Satay : 

  1. cut into small boxes of chicken breasts and set aside
  2. puree garlic, onion, and red cayenne pepper
  3. pieces of chicken breast mixed with spices, then add pepper powder, oyster sauce and soy sauce, stir
  4. input pieces of chicken that has been blended into a sealed container and then input into the refrigerator and let stand overnight
  5. then take pieces of chicken satay skewer to prick
  6. satay grilled heat tool, then apply margarine taste, then grilled skewers until cooked
  7. lift and serve satay with complementary materials sliced onion, sliced red chili, bouillon powder, tomato and soy sauce

How To Cook Cicken Satay Indonesia Part 3


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